Our weekly radio show plays the best in contemporary poetry, traditional, and avant-garde poetry, and alternative music revolving around a theme.
You can listen to both our syndicated program and melodically challenged live! on WRAS Album 88 at our new time: Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9pm Eastern Time.
We are distributed for syndication by PRX and are played around the country on college, community, and public radio stations.
Please use this site to find playlists from each syndicated show, as well as links to more great poetry and music by the artists that you’ve heard on our program.
Please spread the news of our show as well as these poets and musicians. Thanks for listening!
Get in the Mix with *melodically challenged* on September 26th, 2024 in Atlanta! We will hear from several of our favorite poets, including Dr. K who will be sharing the stage with *poetry is pretentious* as well as the musical imaginings of The Harmonic Continuum. There will also be an open-mic for other creatives to showcase their talent. This free event starts at 8pm ET and runs until 11pm at the Southern Feedstore in the East Atlanta Village.
THIS MONTH melodically challenged celebrates organ donors! We aired our show the Gift of Life Tuesday January 7th and followed with Jessica Temple LIVE!!! Because of technical difficulties we were not able to broadcast all of our playlist, so we will have it here (all poems are by Jessica Temple, the music is from The Free Music Archive):
The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway. Michael Pollan
Make sure you go all the way to a radio Tuesday night (THAT'S TOMORROW!!!) to hear our show Down the Garden Path at 7pm ET 0n @album88atlanta that's 88.5 WRAS - Album 88. Here are some lines from a poem you'll hear in the show:
From “Shooting Turtles” by Sarah Wetzel
My husband, who spent two years guarding a hut
on the border, dreams the same dream.
In it, one of his soldiers steps from behind a barrier,
begins removing his uniform. Sometimes I recognize
the soldier, he says, but I never stop him as he unbuckles
his Kevlar vest, unbuttons his gray green shirt and pants to expose
his body to the dust and breeze. In the dream,
the soldier winks, then starts running
toward the enemy. Some mornings,
my husband tells me, I’m sure it happened. ...
Video by Dean Marston from Pixabay
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A vegetable garden in the beginning looks so promising and then after all little by little it grows nothing but vegetables, nothing, nothing but vegetables. Gertrude Stein
Gertrude! You are not going to want to miss our show Down the Garden Path this Tuesday at 7pm ET on @album88atlanta that's 88.5 WRAS - Album 88. Here are some lines from a poem you'll hear in the show:
From “Two Moments with Strangers” by Charlotte Matthews
The day I walk all ten miles
of the Ridge Road,
I stop to ask for water from a man
whose tended garden blooms
against the chipped metal of his trailer
where his wife shifts about in the heat
praying that a storm will rise
over the near mountains.
The water is sweet and I thank him.
Red poplin curtains wave back
and forth in a fan’s path.
Soon, the man promises, soon
your baby will be born
and it will be a girl
as you have wished so hard for. ...
Video by klimkin from Pixabay
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Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
So true, Jean, but know that our show Down the Garden Path will air this Tuesday at 7pm ET on 88.5 WRAS - Album 88 that's @album88atlanta. Here are some lines from a poem you'll hear in the show:
From “In Medias Res” by Anne Shaw
Before the day grows hot, she wakes to the drone
of bees. She fastens the braid of her leaving, hooks
her shadow back to the wall like a coat.
She counts the pieces of dreams: ten black birds
and a coin. Coastline where a blue house
waits with its rooms like hearts.
Now when she hears them talk
she knows how the story will end. How can she leave
this orchard, embroidered with loss?
Things do not even have names
other than those she gives them. Light threads her veins
like a needle. She knows no tense
for this. …
Video by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay
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Alfred Austin said, “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. Welcome to another edition of melodically challenged when this week, our poets walk us through the garden in poetry and song. You’ll hear poetry by Anne Shaw, Tony Barnstone, Chloe Honum, Sean Hill, and Miranda Field among others and music by Scott Holmes, Mystery Pills, Les Hayden, Slainte, and Petrochine among others. We’re going to lead you down the garden path, this week on melodically challenged, where yesterday’s poetry comes alive and today’s poetry rocks!
Video by Nawal Escape from Pixabay
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IT'S TIME! To hear SPRING CLEANING on Album 88 - Georgia State University's College Radio Station - Atlanta beginning at 7pm EST, that's 88.5 on your FM dial here in town, and if you're out of town click on tunein.com/radio/Album-88-885-s225441/�or go to the GSU or WRAS websites and click on LISTEN. Dr. K is in the booth so give her a call at (404) 413-9727, that's (404) 413-WRAS. And stay tuned for our GOIN' GREEN LIVE!!!! show beginning at 8pm.���
Video by Milan Wulf from Pixabay
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Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You said it Johann, and by the way, don't miss our show Spring Cleaning this Tuesday (THAT'S TOMORROW!!!) at 7pm ET on @album88atlanta, that's 88.5 WRAS - Album 88. Here are some lines from a poem you'll hear in the show:
From “The Well-Groomed Otter Is Extremely Buoyant” by R. Erica Doyle
In this kind of sea, floating really matters.
The well-groomed otter is a tail above the others.
Her particular sheen, the curve of her brown,
the arch of her back, the clams that she cracks –
to be groomed is the key to survive in this sea.
She smooths each natty lump down, shines clean
as a glass, runs each hair and black toe
like a woman in the morning
takes hot iron, tweezes chin, tugs on the underwire
slips on the heels, to arch the calf, raise the rump higher; …
Video by BreakDownPictures from Pixabay
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You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lines. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I'll rise. Maya Angelou
Don't miss our show Spring Cleaning next Tuesday at 7pm ET on @album88atlanta that's 88.5 WRAS - Album 88.Here are some lines from a poem you'll hear in the show:
From “The Carpenter Bee” by Sean Nevin
Black and polished
with light, it treads the air
beneath the arched soffits
of our house, where
this morning I smeared,
with a clean metal blade,
a dollop of putty
over the bullet-sized hole
it bore into the wood.
I watched, for an hour
that bee, tap-tap-tapping
like the severed tip
of a cane groping
after what was lost, and
like that, I saw again
the frostbitten toe
the medics let thaw,
then amputated as I slept
through a gauze
of morphine. ...
Video by Life-Of-Vids from Pixabay
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Our weekly radio show plays the best in contemporary poetry, traditional, and avant-garde poetry, and alternative music revolving around a theme.
You can listen to both our syndicated program and melodically challenged live! on WRAS Album 88 (http://22113.live.streamtheworld.com/WRASFM_SC or on your radio app) at our new time: Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm Eastern Time.
We are distributed for syndication by PRX and are played around the country on college, community, and public radio stations.
Please use this site to find playlists from each syndicated show, as well as links to more great poetry and music by the artists that you’ve heard on our program.
Please spread the news of our show as well as these poets and musicians. Thanks for listening!
Besides broadcasting the best poetry being written today read by those poets, we want to award scholarships to college students interested in poetry and radio with the RVM3 Radio / Poetry scholarships, and to pay undergraduate and graduate students and poets to work on the show. You can help! Donate to our 501(3)C. It is tax deductible.
If you hear a poem on our show you like, or have a favorite poem you’d like to share, fill out our form and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.
The syndicated version of melodically challenged broadcasts on our home station, WRAS-ATL (88.5 FM), from 7:00-8:00 PM EST Tuesday evenings. melodically challenged LIVE! follows right after that from 8:00-9:00pm EST. Listen to both hours on HD2, online at WRAS.org, https://tunein.com/radio/Album-88-885-s225441/ or with your smart phone radio app set to Album 88. Please tune in!